Daric L. Cottingham

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Savvy: The Creative Mind of Ryan

Savvy is a new profile series I wanted to start that highlights rising individuals in their respective fields.

This week's Savvy interview focuses on a 26-year-old Dallas, TX native that has found a way to combine their many passions. Ryan White is the owner of RYANWHITEC Content Management. I had the opportunity to dive into his creative world of fashion and entertainment.

Q: How would you define your career title?

Ryan: It took me years to figure this out. I always questioned titles because I didn’t want to be stuck doing one thing when I knew I could do it all. Just recently I finally accepted the title of Content Management. Content Management is the melting pot for all my talents.

Q: Why did you choose this field?

Ryan: So, it honestly just kind of fell into my lap. Six years ago, I thought I was going to be a Computer Engineer. I had no clue about anything in entertainment or the fashion industry; I always had my camera and small projects, but it was all personal. My consistency for the past TEN years has and still opening so many doors for me.

Ryan draws from the obstacles from everyday life and music for inspiration.

Q: What inspires you?

Ryan: Everyday obstacles and music inspire me. If I weren’t faced with challenges in life every day, I would have no personal drive. It’s easy to focus on the hard challenge’s life throws at us but, I like to channel that energy into my craft. Music is also something that I turn to 24/7 — different genres for different tasks. The sound of music paints pictures in my head regularly, inspiring me to do the next best thing.

Q: How do you want to change the industry for the better?

Ryan: My focus right now is bringing people together. There’re tons of people in this industry all doing the same thing. There’s always someone that’s better than you, and there’s still someone that can learn from you. Social media easily can trick you that everything is a competition to see who can make it first, but it's not. We must come together.

Q: How do you manage all your career endeavors? 

Ryan: This is a tough one. I don’t know how I manage everything. I’m currently about to hire a creative assistant to assist with my everyday tasks. I’ve received hugely positive feedback recently, and my clientele is growing extremely fast. Always remember, it’s okay to ask for help.

Q: Describe your creative process. 

Ryan: My creative process is random. However, I do enjoy taking my laptop downtown and finding new coffee shops and restaurants with free Wi-Fi. I accomplish a lot more in an open environment versus being at home. Sometimes a happy hour can get me going as well. I think once you find your safe place or safe zone, you can accomplish anything creative.

Q: What advice do you have for anyone looking to pursue their dream?

 Ryan: It’s not going to be easy. Nothing in life will be handed to you. You will lose sleep. You will lose friends, and some family members will not understand whatever goal you are trying to achieve. I believe it took me ten long years to finally get some support from my parents. Parents will always have these goals that they set up in their minds and will flip out when you do something opposite of what they originally intended on you to do in life.

Q: What does Savvy mean to you?  

Ryan: Savvy is a word that I use a lot in my everyday vocabulary. Savvy symbolizes confidence to me. When you say that your savvy towards something, you’re validating your knowledge, you should never use it loosely.

Ryan is always working on something new; he shared his upcoming project and teased future endeavors.

Q: What project can we look forward to? 

Ryan: Right now, I am working on my next workshop. I will be hosting a Beauty Expo in April.  I also plan to launch my content management agency in April finally. There’s more in store but, the rest is a surprise!

Ryan’s path to where he is now was not a traditional one but a savvy one. Keep up with Ryan and his journey on Twitter and Instagram. I hope you found some inspiration from this week's Savvy profile to go and chase your dreams. Subscribe to get updates on who will be selected next in the Savvy series.